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Our dream 50 children facility.

The Orphanage currently consists of a single rented room that house Patrick and 16 kids!  It is our dream that together we can raised the needed funds to find a local piece of land that can both grow food and be the future home of a 50 children orphanage to continue to serve children in the local area. The plans for that building are ready. It will cost around US $12,000 for the complete building and construction. Plus the land costs.


In Uganda lands passes on to the family, so owning this building and the lands will provide not only in the next years but well into the distant future. Right now all work at the orphanage is done by Patrick alone and it’s really too much for a single person. He is caretaker and teacher, parent and friend. He does all of this out of love as he himself was an orphan, so he knows how that is for a young child.


Patrick is a wise and loving soul at 26 but he needs our help to get a more stable source of food for the kids, clean water, clothing and educational supplies. He cannot do this without our help!  Please Donate today.

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