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We cannot save all of the needy kids in the world but we can really help the Children of Patrick Cares Orphanage and the surrounding community. Patrick is committed to having this be his lifes work, so we already have our person on the ground working everyday to ensure the survival of the children under his care.


The need of these children are very simple. A roof over their heads, food, school supplies (Patrick has been home schooling since the schools are closed due to the Covid crisis) and medical care. Providing these things is a daily struggle for Patrick and the children. Just feeding everyone is a constant daily challenge with limited work, no local or national government support at all and the fact that Patrick needs to be around this young family all the time.

They need our help to survive and to prosper. We can not do this without you.  When I say the kids are hungry I’m serious. They survive on minimal food and a lot of love…please help today. You will litterly be feeding the kids tomorrow!


Eventually… we hope to raise the funds required ($12,000) to build a 50 children Orphanage and buy a piece of land to farm and build on…


For now please donate generously to help these kids grow and get educated. Yes their needs are many but together we can actually make a huge difference in their lives and the lives of the local community. 


***100% of all money raised goes directly to the Orphanage Immediately!

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